Town Crier

The Town Council is pleased to introduce, Kelvin Horton, the official Town Crier of Ampthill.

Kelvin has been registered to the Guild of Town Criers and was officially appointed Town Crier at the Ampthill Town Council meeting held on 29th March 2023.

Kelvin received the Ampthill Community Roll of Honour in October 2018 for his extensive contribution as an active volunteer within Ampthill for numerous causes including Friends of Ampthill Great Park, and he has previously undertaken many unofficial Town Crier duties on behalf of the town prior to his official appointment.

If you would like to request the presence of the Town Crier at your event please email: [email protected] providing the details of your event.

Fees & Charges to other Organisations 
The services of Town Crier will be free of charge to charitable organisations, schools, clubs etc within the Parish of Ampthill. Requests for the services of the Town Crier received by councils or organisations out of the area may result in modest travelling expenses being charged to the host.   Commercial enterprises wishing to use the services of the Town Crier, will be charged £25 per hour, and these proceeds will be given to the Town Mayor’s Charity.